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Establishing a Business –Academia cooperation platform

WP 3.1


Version 0.6


Establishment of new and innovative business-academia cooperation platform in Geoinformatics, the task 3.1 of WP3, in the terms of project is seen and designed as an effective tool in managing and sustainability of GEOBIZ Project products in the post-project phase.

On the other side GEOBIZ project aims to establish a cooperation platform in geoinformatics in order to join and put in real interaction and cooperation two groups interested in development of geoinformatics such as Business and Academia by joining them through a Cooperation agreement, in Consortium.

Establishment of such process seems to be very important due to the needs and demands that Business and Academia have in partner countries in Balkan.

These demands are related with new knowledges and modern progress of geoinformatics technology, improving and modernizing the curricula in geoinformatics with new knowledge on modern and global technologies and algorithms developed under the digital revolution, improving the quality of laboratories, improving and increasing the scientific research in cooperation with geoinformatics companies, in order to achieve to prepare high skill staff in the field of geoinformatics.



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Title: Establishing a Business –Academia cooperation platform.

Subtitle: Deliverable D3.1
Author/s: Gezim Gjata (UPT), P08
Organisation: UPT
Type of: 10
Linguage: English
Publication date: 2021-07-06 00:00:00
Updated: 2022-06-01 00:00:00
Version: version 6
Discription: The deliverable provides the findings and conclusions from Task D2.1, D2.3 as well as from the joint workshops WP2, WP3 and WP5, based in monitoring, interviews, questioners and suggestion.
File Name: D3.1_Business_Academia_Cooperation_Platform.pdf


Title: Assist. Prof.
First Name: Gezim
Last Name: Gjata
Fields of: Academy, Research, Geodesy,
Publications: Establishing a Business –Academia cooperation platform.,


The main aim of the GEOBIZ project is strengthening the capacity of academic institutions to better respond to the needs of the emerging geoinformatics industry in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, and Montenegro with emphasis on the following aspects:

  • Establishing new and innovative forms of business-academia cooperation to support interaction in teaching/learning processes in geoinformatics.
  • Establishment of business-academia platform supporting excellence in geoinformatics.
  • Developing innovative teacher training programs and practical teaching/learning methodologies and content in technology-based courses in geoinformatics leaned on business-driven needs and experience.
  • Implementing state-of-the art techniques in geoinformatics teaching process.




In other to achieve the main objective, the project specific objectives are:

  • (1) To improve and increase business-academia cooperation in geoinformatics at partner universities.
  • (2) Establish business-academia interactive training program for teachers of geoinformatics courses following Bologna standards.
  • (3) To create of technological preconditions (establishment of geoinformatics labs) for partner HEI’s.
  • (4) Develop and pilot number of improved university (practical part) and LLL courses
  • (5) Set up technological platforms to share business-based practical examples in geoinformatics among partners and countries.
  • (6) Embed a culture of quality to the project, its outputs and outcomes.
  • (7) Facilitate adequate management tools for the correct implementation of the project.

Title: Project objectives

Subtitle: Business and Academia
Author/s: Perparim Ndoj
Organisation: Land&co
Type of: 6
Linguage: English
Publication date: 2020-06-22 00:00:00
Updated: 2022-04-29 00:00:00
Version: version 1
Discription: Brief description of project objectives
File Name: None


Title: Msc.
First Name: Perparim
Last Name: Ndoj
Fields of: Business Administation, Geodesy, Management , Research,
Publications: Erasmus Albania monitoring, Project objectives,

eMonitoring Visit Project GEOBIZ 

1Date: 17th December 2020

Venue:  TEAMS Digital Platform

Organized By: National Erasmus+ Office

On December 17, the National Erasmus + Office conducted on the TEAMS digital platform the e-monitoring visit of the GEOBIZ Project, “Business driven problem-based learning for academic excellence in geoinformatics”. The GEOBIZ project is one of the 10 projects granted in the 2020 call, supported by the Erasmus + programme “Capacity Building in Higher Education”. The main goal of the GEOBIZ project is to strengthen the capacity of academic institutions to better respond to the needs of industry in geoinformatics development in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova and Montenegro.

Project consortia is made up of 18 partners and 5 associated partners. Albanian institutions are: Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology, Land & Co Ltd, Tirana and Associated partner: State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), Tirana.

Further Information for the GEOBIZ Project you may find at:

Title: Erasmus Albania monitoring

Subtitle: Erasmus monitoring
Author/s: Perparim Ndoj
Organisation: Land&co
Type of: 9
Linguage: English
Publication date: 2021-01-19 00:00:00
Updated: 2022-04-27 00:00:00
Version: version 1
Discription: Monitoring the project of Geobiz
File Name: None


Title: Msc.
First Name: Perparim
Last Name: Ndoj
Fields of: Business Administation, Geodesy, Management , Research,
Publications: Erasmus Albania monitoring, Project objectives,